File Guidelines
What file format do you accept? We prefer PDF, but will also accept HIGH QUALITY TIFF, JPEG, PSD and EPS file types as well.
What design applications do you accept? We accept: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign and PDF documents.
Do you accept Microsoft Word documents?
We can accept Microsoft Word documents as long as the file is accompanied by a faxed copy of what the piece should look like. (Send a fax to us at: 509.457.6224)
Word tends to shift and alter elements, such as text, when opened on different computers. A faxed copy will help us ensure we process the proof correctly.
Also, please keep in mind that Microsoft Word does not embed word art fonts when the file is saved and opened on a different computer. Therefore, the fonts will default when opened on another computer that does not contain the fonts that were used.
What should I know about image resolution? Image resolution should be set at 300 dpi. Enlarging an image will lower the resolution while reducing an image will increase the resolution.
Enlarging an image in a layout program is not recommended. Images less than 300 dpi could reproduce poorly looking fuzzy or pixilated.
Images from the Internet are not recommended, as most images are only 72 dpi.
An unfavorable image cannot be resaved as a different type of file. For example, you cannot place a gif file in Photoshop and resave it as an EPS file. This does not change the compatibility of the file. If you have to use low-resolution images, we will print only after you consent to the quality.
Can I use images from the Internet? Files off the Internet usually do not provide a good quality image for printing. Images from the Internet or web sites are generally 72 dpi and are in a GIF or JPEG format. Color and resolution are removed from these images to allow for rapid transfer on the Internet. These images will appear fuzzy and dull when printed commercially. We recommend at least 300 dpi.
What is Bleed? One important custom printing term to know is a bleed. Bleed refers to an extra 1/8” of image that extends beyond the trim area of your printing piece. The project is printed on an oversized sheet that is cut down to size with the appearance that the image “bleeds” off the edge of the paper.
What is a safe area? Cutting of your printing piece is done in large stacks and may vary from the top and the bottom of the stack. The safe area or inner margin in which to keep all important elements within to prevent them from trimming off, should be at least 1/8” inside the edge of the final trim size.
What is trim? Trim marks indicate where to trim the printed sheet or where the edge of the paper is. Similar to register or crop marks.
Trim size? The final size of the document after the last trim is made.
Can I create a catalog in Illustrator or Photoshop? Absolutely. Each page of the catalog would need to be a separate file. Please be sure to name each file with the page number so that we know the correct print order.
Any other questions?
Feel free to give us a call at: 509.457.6195 Or send an email to: